Like most European warmblood breeds the registry found in Norway accepts animals based on temperament, athletic ability and performance.
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Like most European warmblood breeds the registry found in Norway accepts animals based on temperament, athletic ability and performance.
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The term Paso Fino translates to ‘fine step’ and their lovely gaits cannot be taught, they have to come via genetics. The Paso is in fact distinguished by their four-beat lateral gait.
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The word Criollo started meaning those of purebred Spanish ancestry born in the Americas and was used for people as well as animals. Today the term indicates being native to the Americas, but with Spanish influence.
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Also called Zwaar Warmbloed paard, the Dutch Heavy Warmblood is a robust riding type that is registered separately than the Dutch Riding Horse and their KWPN sport registries.
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Also called Klassiek Gelderlander paard, the Dutch Classic Gelderlander is not to be confused with the Gelderland of KWPN registry. They have an independent studbook, Klassiek Gelderlander Paarden Stamboek (KGPS) that was established in 2019.
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The Tattu Pony is the smallest variety of pony found in Nepal and they can be found at higher altitudes than some of the other types.
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Named for the Terai Region in southern Nepal where they are found, the Tarai Pony that differs from many of the mountain breeds found in the nation. The Tarai Pony is a small plains horse, smaller and slighter for flat terrain.
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Also called Tagan and Tanan, the Tanghan Horse is the largest of the types found in Nepal. Smaller in stature and could be called a pony, although they are still technically a small horse.
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