The Equinest archives

Tori Horse

Tori Horse

Tori Universal


Also called the Tory, Toric & the Toriiskaya, the Tori was developed at the at the Tori Stud in Estonia early in the 20th century as a utility horse using Klepper & European halfbred animals. Although breeding was controlled, by the 1930’s they required an infusion of Breton blood to eliminate signs of inbreeding. Additionally as a need for sport horses grew, Hanovarian & Trakehner blood was added, creating the Tori Sport horse. Today the two recognized types within the breed are the sporthorse type and the universal type.
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Tolfetano Horse

Tolfetano Horse


The Tolfetano Horse comes from the mountainous town in Tolfa in the north of the Rome province. Although it is known that their bloodlines are ancient their exact origins are a mystery, however they are thought to possess Berber blood. Over the years a hostile climate and lack of resources (not to mention hard work for the local people) have shaped this into an incredibly hardy horse.
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Thai Pony

Thai Pony

Image from dolescum


The Thai Pony or Thai Country Bred is a native horse of Thailand and while they are thought to come from Mongolian stock, their origins are a mystery. These animals have been used by the local people for transporting tea leaves & fruit from mountainous areas for many years. Due to their isolation they have developed without the influence of outside breeds for the most part, although more recently an attempt to improve them has introduced the blood of some Australian, New Zealand & English pony stock.
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