The Jielin, Jilin or Kirin Horse comes from the Baicheng, Changchun and Sipling Districts of China which is an agricultural area that is very suitable for horse breeding.
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The Jielin, Jilin or Kirin Horse comes from the Baicheng, Changchun and Sipling Districts of China which is an agricultural area that is very suitable for horse breeding.
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The Jawa or Java pony is similar to the Timor breed, however they are larger and stronger than most of the other Indonesian pony breeds. While they are more powerful, they are perhaps among the more refined and handsome of the nation.
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Also called the Trottatore Italiano, the Italian Trotter is mainly used for trotting, but is versatile enough to excel in other equestrian sports as well. They are a result of an intense process of cross breeding.
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Also called Italian Working Horse, Rapid Heavy Draft and Cavallo Agricolo Italiano da Tiro Pesante Rapido, the Italian Heavy Draft is a man made breed created to fulfill needs of both war and agricultural.
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Also known as Irish Crossbred and Irish Hunter, the Irish Sport Horse was originally bred to be a good hunter over fences but also useful for local agricultural needs.
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The Irish Hobby Horse is an extinct breed that came from the British Isles sometime before the 13th century. These bloodlines were the foundation for a number of modern Irish breeds, including the Connemara Pony and Irish Draught.
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Originally built for work in Ireland, the Irish Draft or Draught bloodline was almost lost, however a revival movement managed to keep the breed alive. These horses are built in large part by the difficult climate, making them big and hearty.
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Also called the Iomudskaya and Yamud, the Iomud comes from Turkmenistan and is a descendant of the ancient Turkmenian breed that was developed by the Iomud tribe in southern Turkmenia.
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