Also called the Karabairskaya, the Karabair breed is one of the most ancient breeds originating in central Asia. They were developed in what is now known as Uzbekistan and northern Tajikistan, which are both areas known for breeding high quality horseflesh.
These animals come from southern and steppe breeds, displaying physical characteristics of both distinct types. Since before the times of Jesus Christ, this area has been known for production of solid horses, even documented by the Chinese as a great producer of war horses.
Today there are three different types of the Karabair breed, basic, heavy and saddle, although in recent years lack of demand for the heavy type has caused their numbers to decline drastically.
Average height 14.7 – 15 hands
Head is medium in size with a straight or convex profile
Neck is medium to long and high set
Back is short and wide
Chest is well developed
Legs are clean and strong
Mane and tail are sparse
Traditional Colors
Lively and alert
Equestrian Sports
Riding horse
Meat production
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