The Austrian Warmblood comes from an area that has long been known for creating fine horseflesh (including the handsome Kladruber and the ethereal Lipizzaner).
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The Austrian Warmblood comes from an area that has long been known for creating fine horseflesh (including the handsome Kladruber and the ethereal Lipizzaner).
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Considered the only true Angolan horse breed, the Kwanhama or Kwanyama horse is most commonly found in the Cunene province. However their numbers are very low and dropping due to droughts in the area. Thus causing local populations to begin using donkeys instead of horses as they are more drought tolerant.
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The history of this breed dates back to the early 19th century when the first settlers arrived with horses and ponies to work the land. By the early 20th century, crossbreeding of the imported animals had created many solid pony types.
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The Armenian Highlands are known for breeding great horses and some of the oldest known traces of horse domestication have been found there. They are considered a status symbol and an essential element for any warrior.
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Considered the pride of the Armenian Highlands, Artsakh Horses were known for being a slender, noble breed in a country thought to be the seat of animal domestication.
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A light riding horse from Afghanistan, the Tooraq horse is not a breed, but a type of horse found in the country.
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