The term Criollo originally meant animals (or people) of purebred Spanish ancestry who were born in the Americas, but through time it has come to mean breeds native to the Americas.
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The term Criollo originally meant animals (or people) of purebred Spanish ancestry who were born in the Americas, but through time it has come to mean breeds native to the Americas.
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The Trote en Gallope, Trote y Galope or Trocha y Galope Reunido Colombiano horse is only about 60 years old in Colombia.
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Paso Fino translates to ‘fine step’ and they are very clearly a breed apart from others as their fine step cannot be taught, it has to come through their genetics. The Paso is in fact distinguished by their four-beat lateral gait.
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The term Criollo originally meant animals (or people) of purebred Spanish ancestry who were born in the Americas, but through time it has come to mean breeds native to the Americas.
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