Also called Chola, the Serrana Horse is a medium sized variety of Peruvian Criollo which is bred in the Lower Andean Regions.
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Also called Chola, the Serrana Horse is a medium sized variety of Peruvian Criollo which is bred in the Lower Andean Regions.
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Andino Pony comes from the high peaks of the Andes in Peru. They are a smart, robust and surefooted breed, honed by natural selection in the tough terrain they inhabit.
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Predominately known for their unique, laterial gait, the Peruano de Paso, Costeño or Peruvian Paso is also a performer, one who can manage a high-stepping dancing action that almost makes its own music.
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Paso Fino translates to ‘fine step’ and they are very clearly a breed apart from others as their fine step cannot be taught, it has to come through their genetics. The Paso is in fact distinguished by their four-beat lateral gait.
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The Morochuco comes comes from the Peruvian Andes in the state of Ayacucho and the breed was thought to be developed by Jesuits.
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Another variety of Peruvian Criollo, the Morochuco Chumbivilcano or Chumbivilcas Horse is also found at higher altitudes in the Andes of Peru. Adapted to an extreme climate and poor fodder, they are a hardy little breed.
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Also called Morochuco and Peruvian Criollo, The Andean Criollo habitat is found above 9,000 feet in the Andes mountains. This great altitude has created an animal with amazing lung capacity and a thick, dense coat of fur.
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