A light riding horse from Afghanistan, the Samand Horse is not a breed, but rather a type of horse found in the country. This type is known for their incredible speed.
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A light riding horse from Afghanistan, the Samand Horse is not a breed, but rather a type of horse found in the country. This type is known for their incredible speed.
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A light riding horse from Afghanistan, the Qazal is not an actual breed but more a type of horse found in the country. The word for Afghan horses with a light coat is qazal, so this type is known for their coloring.
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A light riding horse from Afghanistan, the Mazari is named for the people who raise them.
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A hardy mountain horse from Afghanistan, the Kohband is more of a type than a breed and are bred in a mountainous area in the north of the country, in the northwestern part of the province of Kapisa.
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A light riding horse from Afghanistan, the Herati is more of a type than a breed and are known for being mounts for the Afghan resistance during the border crisis in the late 19th century.
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A sport horse from Afghanistan, the Dawand is more of a type than a breed and are known particularly for their great speed. This is the fastest of the Afghan horse types and is generally reserved for the most experienced riders.
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A sport horse from Afghanistan, the Buzkashi is more of a type than a breed, a type specifically bred for the game of buzkashi from which it gets its name.
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Names for the Sahelian empires that once dominated the grasslands of Mali, the Sahel horse is a type of West African Dongola, with Arabian blood. Like many of the people with strong horse culture in West Africa, these animals were well cared for.
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Presumably the Dombi breed is named for the Dombia village and rural commune in south western Mali. This is a vary small community, so while the DAD-SI names them as a local breed of Mali, there is no official information about them.
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Also called Bobodi and Boboli, the Bobo is a light pony or small horse found in Burkina Faso. Like many of the West African breeds, they are generally of Barb or Dongola ancestry. Although these horses can have a natural resistance to trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), which is found in other native equines of the area.
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