Champagne Horse Coat Color Dilution Gene

Champagne Dilution
The champagne gene is a rather recent discovery in the world of horse color and it has a diluting effect on both chestnut and black base coats. This pigment alteration can exhibit in a showy display of colors which often have an almost metallic sheen.

Champagne Dilution

This is another dilution that lightens the base color of an animal, turning red pigment to a golden yellow in color and black pigment to anything from grey to chocolate brown. Champagne animals can be incorrectly mistaken for silver dapples, palominos, blue roans and even appaloosas.

Champagne Characteristics

There are a few characteristics exclusive to animals affected by champagne, which makes it one of the few dilutions that can be visually identified with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Animals affected by this gene are born dark and tend to grow lighter with age.

Champagne Metallic Coat

Image from Kersti_Nebelsiek
Metallic Sheen

Perhaps the most sought after characteristic of this dilution is an amazing shiny metallic coat. Not all affected by the gene will display the sheen, and it’s not really understood why genetically. Interestingly enough, this can make the animals rather difficult to photograph.

Champagne Freckles

Image from just chaos

Champagne skin is pink in color, but not like other light skinned horses. Sometimes called pumpkin skin, it’s light when they are born and tends to grow darker as they age. They will also develop darker freckles around their mucus membranes.

Champagne Eyes

Light Eyes

This dilution also affects the eyes, which is another easy way to determine the gene. Unlike the dark brown eyes of most light animals, champagnes are often born with soft blue eyes that darken as they become green and change again to become a golden amber or hazel color.

Not all horses with a metallic sheen are champagne – Akhal-Teke animals often display a glowing coat and champagne doesn’t run in the breed.

Champagne Shades

The champagne gene affects black, chestnut & bay animals to varying degrees. Any of them can carry a metallic sheen and reverse dappling in their coat.

Classic Champagne Horse

Classic Champagne

Often mistaken for a grullo and (incorrectly) called lilac dun, classic is a black base diluted by champagne gene. The gene has a rather dramatic effect on the body, turning it golden yellow to light chocolate brown and turning the mane, tail and points a deep brown color.

Gold Champagne Horse

Gold Champagne

Champagne on a chestnut base creates an animal often mistaken for a palomino. The dilution lightens body hair to a golden color that varies from light to a deeper gold and often turns mane and tail flaxen.

Amber Champagne

Amber Champagne

On a bay base this dilution doesn’t have a dramatic effect, and the result is commonly mistaken for buckskin. Body color is lightened to a golden yellow color and mane, tail and points to a chocolate brown.

Sable Champagne

Sable Champagne

On a seal brown base, the champagne has a lesser effect than bays and even some black bases. The coat is lightened to various shades of chocolate brown with mane, tail and points remaining dark. This makes it rather more difficult to distinguish their characteristic reddening of soft patches.

Learn More About the Champagne Dilution

Be sure to check out a guest post with a more complex look at the champagne gene: Equine Champagne Gene