The Boeta horse is a robust pony type that originates from the sturdy ponies of Tibet. Now among the three breeds reported to the DAD-IS for Bhutan.
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The Boeta horse is a robust pony type that originates from the sturdy ponies of Tibet. Now among the three breeds reported to the DAD-IS for Bhutan.
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Also known as Vlaams Paard and Cheval Flamand, the Flemish Horse is a breed of heavy draft that comes from Flanders, or the northern part of modern Belgium. In an effort to conserve their bloodlines the studbook for this breed was merged into the Belgian Draft breed.
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Also called Trotteur Belge and Belgische Draver, the Belgian Trotter follows in the tradition of European Trotters. Popular in a time when horse racing was among the more accessible of vices.
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Also known as Belgische Rijpony and Poney de Selle Belge the Belgian Saddle Pony is a relatively recent breed and mainly used under saddle.
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The Rajshahi pony is a dwarf horse or pony breed found in Bangladesh, mainly in West Bengal. There is little information about this pony, but it is likely closely related to the Bangladesh Native Horse.
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Also called Bengali, the Bangladesh Native Horse is a small breed of horse native to the country. They are loosely related to a group of Southeast Asian ponies.
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The Shirvan Horse is one of breeds found in Azerbaijan, but different than some of the other breeds as it is lighter than the mountain breeds. They come from the Kura-Araz lowlands, which was more suited for horses.
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While native to Austria, the Pinkafeld or Pinkafö horse is the ancestor of Hungarian Draft horses today. Now extinct, the Pinkafeld blood lives on in Hungary.
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