The Devon Pack Horse developed specifically to carry heavy loads, but fine enough to be good under saddle and sturdy enough for light agriculture. They were created from native ponies crossed with lighter, taller animals. This is an extinct breed.
Thought to possibly be related to the Great Horse, history of the Devon Pack horse is intertwined with that of the Dartmoor horse. Foundations of the Pack Horse are partly Dartmoor and later their blood was infused back into the Dartmoor population.
This breed went extinct in the UK in 1903, when the last pure Devon Pack stallion was shipped to Australia.
Average height 12.2 – 14 hands
Head has broad forehead
Ears are alert
Neck is strong
Sloped shoulders
Muscular hindquarters
Tall is full and high set
Legs have are dense and flat
Hooves are tough and well-shaped
Traditional Colors
Calm and dependable
Robust and sturdy
Pack animal
Light draft