Named for the region from which they came, the Ghazi Horse is a mystery. They are possibly bred for an equestrian test of skill called tent pegging played in the region.
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Named for the region from which they came, the Ghazi Horse is a mystery. They are possibly bred for an equestrian test of skill called tent pegging played in the region.
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Also called Rhineland Heavy Draft and Rhenish Cold Blood, the German Cold Blood horse is less than a century old and their numbers are rapidly declining.
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The Galloway Pony is an extinct pony breed that came from Scotland, they were originally used as mounts for boarder raids and later by cattle drovers for herding their stock.
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Also called Gallego, Faca Galizana, Jaca Gallega, Poney gallego, Poni Galaga and Cabalo de Pura Raza Galega, the Galician Pony comes from the northwest of Spain, which is a wet region with low mountains.
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The Furioso-North Star or Furioso is a medium-heavy harness and saddle type horse that is highly adaptable and crosses well with other breeds.
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Also called Friese paard, Friesians are noted for their flashy appearance and movement. However they are also tough and willing which makes them as ideal for plowing a field as they are in the showring.
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The Pony di Esperia or Esperia Pony is an Italian pony, named for its home region in Italy with horse like characteristics, a big stride and an inclination for sporting.
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Considered a half-bred, the Erlenbach or Simmental horse is an light saddle breed that comes from Erlenbach in the Simmental region of Switzerland.
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