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Hungarian Horse


The Hungarian Horse can be traced back to the original people that settled the Carpathian basin 1,000 years ago called the Magyars. They were nomadic steppe people and descendants of the Huns so they carried a strong horse culture with them.
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Hequ Horse


Also called Hequl, Nanfanhe and Khetsyui, the Hequ breed comes from the area where the Quinghai, Sichuan and Gansu Provinces meet. At which point there is a large zag in the Yellow River. The name Hequ has only been used for this breed since 1954 and prior to that was called the Nanfan horse.
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Guizhou Pony


The Guizhou or Qian Horse is a native breed of the mountainous Guizhou Province in China where agriculture was developed as early as 770 BC. Relatively isolated geographically, these animals have had little outside influence and are an incredibly pure breed.
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