The Cavall Mallorquí or Mallorquin Horse comes from the Spanish island of Mallorca and their origins are a mystery. There are a number of theories, however none of them have been confirmed. They are likely related to the horses found on nearby Menorca.
Horses on the Balearic Islands probably come from the southern variant of primitive horses found on the Iberian Peninsula. Likely brought there at some point to work the land and provide transportation for the island population. The Mallorquin was also appreciated for their mule production.
There were several studs developed to breed the handy animal and pre-mechanization while they were incredibly useful for transporting loads, they were primarily used for farming. Fortunately physical isolation kept their bloodlines relatively pure and over time they have become a specific type.
During the second half of the 19th century trotting races became fashionable, so Arabian and trotting Andalusian animals were imported to give the Mallorquin horse more speed. Unfortunately the crosses were not carefully maintained and compromised the integrity of the nucleus of pure bloodlines.
As a result of cross breeding and the mechanization of agriculture, the need to breed horses declined their numbers suffered considerably. Luckily, a breeders association was formed in 1992 with the intention of preserving and prolonging this lovely animals and their efforts are paying off.
According to the DAD-IS, Mallorquin Horses are at risk and as of 2023 there were 323 left.
Average height 15.7-15.9 hands
Similar characteristics to the Andalusian
Head is fine with a slightly convex profile
Short, thick neck
Traditional Colors
Intelligent and dependable
Riding horse
Light agriculture
Show horse
Parade horse
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Helpful Links
Association of Breeders and Owners of Purebred Mallorcan Horses
Official Breeds Catalogue