The Cavallo Romano della Maremma Laziale or Laziale Maremma Horse is a close relative of the Maremmano breed, specifically bred in the Lazio region, from which they take their name.
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There are not many that remember the Manx Ponies, they have fallen out of living memory. This now extinct breeds was probably part of the Celtic Pony family which is native to several of the British Isles. This strain, located on tiny Isle of Man has escaped attention for centuries and is not as well documented as many of the other variations.
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Like warmbloods in most European countries, the Irish Warmblood Horse is registered based on temperament, athleticism and performance instead of breed genetics. These registries are the meritocracy of the horse world.
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The Irish Pony is essentially a sport type pony breed. We believe they are similar to sport horses and warmblood breeds, registered based on temperament, athletic ability and performance.
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Also called Irish Piebald and Skewbald, the Irish Pinto is a color breed, much like the American Paint Horse. The breeding objective of the registry is the preservation and promotion of spotted breeds (including Appaloosa), while identifying and recording bloodlines that carry spotted genetics.
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The Minahasa Horse comes from North Sulawesi, Indonesia and is a combination of Sandlewood Ponies crossed with Thoroughbred. Making them a sturdy breed that is lighter, taller and faster than the ponies found on some of the other Indonesian islands.
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Also called Makasar, Kuda Maksar or Sulawesi pony, the Macassar is a small horse or pony found on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. They are very similar to Lombok Ponies found on the island of Lombok and part of the Southwestern Asia Pony group.
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The Kuda-Kuningan or Kuningan Pony is native to west Java and is a lighter, taller pony type than found on some of the other islands.
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