Italian Heavy Draft Horse


Also called Italian Working Horse, Rapid Heavy Draft and Cavallo Agricolo Italiano da Tiro Pesante Rapido, the Italian Heavy Draft is a man made breed created to fulfill needs of both war and agricultural.


The breed dates back to 1860, when the horse production branch of the Department of War began crossbreeding Breton stallions to mares of the northeastern Italian plains. The mares were of varied stock and included animals of Hackney, Belgian Draft and Breton origin. Through continuous cross breeding of those same lines, the Italian Heavy Draft came about with their own distinguishing characteristics.

In 1927 a stud book was formed and until the mid-20th century the Italian Draft was a popular breed as they were not just powerful, but fast as well. Towards the end of the 20th century, need for a heavy draft had all but died out and their numbers declined sharply.

In the 1970’s a program was put into place to improve the breed for meat production, which is what they are primarily raised for today.


Average height 15 – 16 hands


Head is long but shapely with a straight or slightly convex profile
Eyes are large and lively
Ears are small
Neck is short and muscular
Back is short and straight
Chest is broad, muscular and deep
Shoulder is long and well sloped
Legs are short with broad, strong joints and some feathering
Feet are straight and boxy

Traditional Colors

Generally liver chestnut, often with flaxen mane and tail.


Amiable and easy to work with


Meat production
Creation of heavy draft mules
Improving meat production value in other breeds

Helpful Links

Associazione Nazionale Allevatori del Cavallo Agricolo Italiano da Tiro Pesante Rapido

More Images

Italian Heavy Draft Horse
Italian Heavy Draft Horse
Italian Heavy Draft Horse
