A Qurab horse is a cross between an Arabian and a Quarter Horse or a Paint horse. No other blood types are allowed.
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A Qurab horse is a cross between an Arabian and a Quarter Horse or a Paint horse. No other blood types are allowed.
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A light riding horse of Mongolian type from Afghanistan, the Qatgani is a type of Afghan horse.
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Also called Equus Przewalskii, Asiatic Wild horse, Mongolian Wild Horse and Taki, the Przewalski’s Horse is the only known surviving species of wild equine on the planet (since the extinction of the Tarpan). All other breeds of modern horse are thought to come from domesticated horse (yes, even the feral ones – at some point they were all reintroduced to the wild).
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The Polesian Horse or Polesakya comes from the marshy Pripet area of the Ukraine and the Byelorussian lowlands. These are native animals that belong to the forest type, similar to the Zhmud breed.
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Also called Mulassier and Poitou, the Poitevin Horse comes from the marshy lands in the west of France and is perhaps the least known of the French heavy breeds.
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Also called Plevna and Pleveska, the Pleven is a half-bred horse that comes from Bulgaria. Development began in 1898 by crossing the best local animals with Arabian and Anglo-Arabian blood. Later Gidran stallions were introduced and by 1951 there had become a fixed type as the breed was officially recognized.
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The Pintabian is an Arabian with tobiano pinto markings and comes in most colors as long as they possess the tobiano white pattern genetics.
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The Pindos or Thessalonian Pony is a mountainous Pony breed that comes from mountainous regions of Thessaly and Epirus in Greece.
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