The South German Coldblood is a close relative of the Austrian Noriker, as they were both initially established in Bavaria and mountainous areas of Austria.
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The Lehmkuhlener Pony originated Lehmkuhlen, Germany and was bred privately by the House of Baron Thunder stud farm and come from a cross between local Westphalian animals and a English Westmoorland blood.
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The Sorraia is thought to be the last remnant of wild horses that lived across most of the Iberian Peninsula, including parts of Spain and Portugal. Although we call them a breed today, they are actually what remains of an indigenous wild horse. Only recently, after the Portuguese National Stud took over registration of these animals, have they been promoted as a ‘breed’.
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The Senne or Senner Horse comes from the heath area of Senne in Germany and comes from indigenous warmblood animals (which are now extinct) crossed with Arabians, Thoroughbreds and Spanish animals.
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Also called the Holsteiner Coldblood and Schleswiger Kaldblut, the Schleswiger Heavy Draft comes from northern Germany. In their heyday they were widely used as a working horse, but sadly today they are on the list of endangered domestic animal breeds.
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The Saxony Warmblood is a robust warmblood breed with a much heavier body type than the warmblood sporting horses of today. They are bred in the areas of Saxony and Thuringia, and although they are a heavy in type they are not to be confused with the Saxon-Turinga Coldblood.
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Also called Süddeutsches Kaltblut, the Saxon Turinga Coldblood comes from Turinga and Saxony. This is an incredibly rare animal and conservation efforts are underway.
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The Sachsen Warmblood, Sachsen Anhaltiner or Sachsen-Anhaltiner Warmblut comes from eastern Germany and they are a rare warmblood breed.
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The Rottaler or Rottal is a native breed of lower Bavaria in southeast Germany and is the only indigenous breed of Bavaria. Their name comes from the Rott River which runs through the area.
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Initially the Oldenbuger was developed as a coach horse that was adaptable enough for agriculture work. Like many of the European competition horses, the bloodlines were developed over time to accommodate the changes in society.
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