Like German Duns, the Deutscher Tigerschecke or German Tiger Spotted is a color breed and registered based on sound conformation and leopard complex spotting patterns.
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Like German Duns, the Deutscher Tigerschecke or German Tiger Spotted is a color breed and registered based on sound conformation and leopard complex spotting patterns.
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Also called Deutscher Falbe, the German Dun appears to be a color breed that is more concerned with conformation, character and color. The information about this breed is unclear, but we were able to find breed standards and they appear in the DAD-IS.
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The Beberbecker Horse was an ancient breed, bred at a Hessian state stud farm founded at Beberbeck Castle to be capable war mounts.
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Also called the Barock-Reitpferd in Germany, the Baroque Riding Horse is not a breed but a type that includes several breeds. They are distinct because they retain the distinct features of their ancestors, gaining traction during the Baroque era.
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Altmärkische Kaltblut (cold blood) is a medium sized draft breed that comes from Saxony-Anhalt in Germany. They are considered to be incredibly quiet and have a pleasant in character.
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The Zweibrücker or Zweibrücken Horse are bred in state owned stud facilities in Zweibrücken, Germany which is one of the smaller state run facilities.
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The Württemberger, Württemberger Warmblut or Württemberg Horse comes from Württemberg Germany where it was developed in the middle of the 16th century as a heavy coach horse.
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The Westfalen Pony is a sport type pony that was developed in Westphalia Germany, they are the pony version of the Westfalen Horse.
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Most of the warmbloods in Germany are named for the region in which they are bred. In keeping with that tradition the Westfalen or Westphalian horse comes from Westphalia in Germany
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The official name of the Trakehner is, East Prussian Warmblood Horse of Trakehner Origin, and while today they are known as a German breed they actually originated in East Prussia, what is now known as Lithuania.
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