Also called Deutscher Falbe, the German Dun appears to be a color breed that is more concerned with conformation, character and color. The information about this breed is unclear, but we were able to find breed standards and they appear in the DAD-IS.
When you search for Deutscher Falbe, most results are dun German Riding Ponies, but it seems that this breed is be similar to the American Palomino or Buckskin breeds. Registered based on color and/or harmonious conformation characteristics (rather than bloodlines). We know from the Deutscher Falbe breed standards, they have to meet fairly specific characteristics to register, but both horses an ponies can be registered. Perhaps the main elements needed to be a German Dun is handsome conformation and a lot of language in the standards is about what is not desired in the breed.
Average height 11.8-16.7 hands
Dry expressive head with large eyes
Well set neck
Sloping shoulder
Deep chest
Well set tail
Clean legs
Well formed hooves
Traditional Colors
Social and brave
Reliable and kind
Balanced and robust