Also called Lietuvos Sunkieji, the Lithuanian Heavy Draft comes from Lithuania and is one of the more handsome of the draft breeds.
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Also called Lietuvos Sunkieji, the Lithuanian Heavy Draft comes from Lithuania and is one of the more handsome of the draft breeds.
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In a world full of solid colored warmbloods, the Knabstrupper is the eclectic cousin of the bunch. From the same spanish bloodlines as the appaloosa, they are found displaying all of the appaloosa white patterns.
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Also called Kisber Felver, the Kisber Halfbred was developed at the Kisber Stud Farm (est. 1853) in Hungary. The goal was to replace the often high strung English Thoroughbred with an animal that was more versatile to upgrade local stock.
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Also known as the Golden Horse of Bohemia and Equus Kinsky, the Kinsky Horse comes from the Czech Republic and was Europe’s first warmblood sporthorse. Today their numbers are so low they are one of the most threatened species of equidae.
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The Kerry Bog Pony is a small animal that is quite similar in stature to the Shetland pony. They were affectionately nicknamed Hobbies by the Irish locals.
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Probably the most well known for their association with the Carlsburg brewery, Jutlands or Jyder were used to haul heavy brewery wagons. These animals are still used for beer transportation in Copenhagen today, in addition to promotion, festivals and films.
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Also called Italian Working Horse, Rapid Heavy Draft and Cavallo Agricolo Italiano da Tiro Pesante Rapido, the Italian Heavy Draft is a man made breed created to fulfill needs of both war and agricultural.
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Originally built for work in Ireland, the Irish Draft or Draught bloodline was almost lost, however a revival movement managed to keep the breed alive. These horses are built in large part by the difficult climate, making them big and hearty.
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There is not a coldblooded horse native to Hungary, however during the 18th century draft animals were brought through. These larger and more robust animals were particularly valuable to people in a land filled with lighter animals and were often traded for. These animals became known as the Hungarian Coldblood, Magyar Hidegveru and Hungarian Draft.
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