Kinsky Horse

Kinsky Horse

Image from Hanka Certik


Also known as the Golden Horse of Bohemia & Equus Kinsky, the Kinsky Horse comes from the Czech Republic and was Europe’s first warmblood sporthorse. Today their numbers are so low they are one of the most threatened species of equidae.


These animals were first known as the horses bred by Count Kinsky who was the first to develop them. For years his family had been involved in breeding race & steeplechase horses, so it comes naturally that he used Thoroughbreds in development of the Kinsky. In 1628 the Emperor ordered the Kinsky family to begin a stud farm to supply the cavalry which shaped the face of the breed. Cavalry mounts need to be reliable & loyal while requiring an amazing amount of courage & stamina. The golden color of the Kinsky line soon became the preferred color.

The studbook was created in 1838 and the breed began to grow in popularity. The count, being an avid hunter & jumper himself ensured that his animals were suited for that task as well.

Today the breed has been almost totally absorbed into the Czech Warmblood, there are still a number of pure animals that are under royal protection.


Average height 16 – 17.2 hands

Traditional Colors

chestnut generally with cream dilutions that make their coats appear glossy & golden.


Well balanced & friendly
Good natured & like people


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