The Boulonnais is one of the most elegant of all of the draft breeds, known for their milky white coat and luxurious mane and tail. Their blood is often used to improve the stock of other draft breeds.
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The Boulonnais is one of the most elegant of all of the draft breeds, known for their milky white coat and luxurious mane and tail. Their blood is often used to improve the stock of other draft breeds.
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Along with the Hucul and the Konik ponies, the Bosnian Mountain Horse is one of the Balkan breeds and all three share the same ancestors.
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Also called the Chernomor and Chernomorskaya, the Black Sea Horse is very rare and extinct in pure form.
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Also called Schwarzwälder Kaltblut, St. Märgener, Schwarzwälder Fuchs and Wälderpferd, the Black Forest horse is a small, tough draft breed with a high fertility rate and a long life span. This hardy animal is bred almost exclusively in the Black Forest in southern Germany.
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Also known as the Belgian Heavy Horse, Brabançon or Brabant and Belgian Draught, the Belgian Draft is one of the strongest draft breeds. This breed has also held the world record for tallest and largest horses in the world.
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Originated in the Ardennes Mountains bordering Belgium and France but distinctly different from both the French or Swedish version of the breed.
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Also called the Banamba, The Beledougou is a variety of the West African Dongola (with Arabian influence) and was developed in Mali, Africa.
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The Basotho Pony, also called Basuto is native to an enclave of South Africa called Lesotho. An inhospitable climate, high altitude and steep terrain have created an incredibly hardy, capable little animal.
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Native to the unforgiving climate in the steppe regions south of the Ural Mountains, the Bashkirskaya or Bashkir horse is by nature an incredibly tough animal. Enduring long cold winters and short hot summers.
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The Barthais was once classified as a heavy horse and their roots are thought to go back to France pre 7th Century AD (Arabian blood was added for the first time in 732 AD). However, over the years their bloodlines have become lighter and smaller to the present day animal, which is now classified as a pony.
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