Also called the Trottatore Italiano, the Italian Trotter is mainly used for trotting, but is versatile enough to excel in other equestrian sports as well. They are a result of an intense process of cross breeding.
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Also called the Trottatore Italiano, the Italian Trotter is mainly used for trotting, but is versatile enough to excel in other equestrian sports as well. They are a result of an intense process of cross breeding.
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The Hungarian Horse can be traced back to the original people that settled the Carpathian basin 1,000 years ago called the Magyars. They were nomadic steppe people and descendants of the Huns so they carried a strong horse culture with them.
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The Grand Noir du Berry comes from the French area of Berry and were used for working fields and vineyards, as well as general transportation. These donkeys were selectively bred robust enough to meet the specific needs of the people of Berry.
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Also called the Skogsruss and the Russ, the Gotland Pony is an ancient breed that is native to the Gotland island of Sweden. In fact, prior to the 1950’s Baltic and Gotlands were the only ponies bred in Sweden.
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The Giara horse native to the island of Sardinia, Italy and they are found on a large, basalt plateau in the south of the island. Recently a small number of animals have been re-introduced into other parts of Sardinia in the hopes of growing their numbers. They among the few Italian breeds that have not been influenced by English Thoroughbred.
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Also called Minho, Garrano do Minho, Trás os Montes, the Garrano is a prehistoric Portuguese pony which has adapted to the climate and geography in the northern mountain regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Cave paintings from the Paleolithic era describe a pony that is the ancestor of today’s breed.
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Also called Gallego, Faca Galizana, Jaca Gallega, Poney gallego, Poni Galaga and Cabalo de Pura Raza Galega, the Galician Pony comes from the northwest of Spain, which is a wet region with low mountains.
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The Furioso-North Star or Furioso is a medium-heavy harness and saddle type horse that is highly adaptable and crosses well with other breeds.
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Also called Norman Cob or Normandy Cob the French Cob comes from the Norman Carriage Horse that has been used in France for many years for pulling coaches and light agriculture work.
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Also called Freiberger and Jura, the Freiberg horse is a light to middle sized warmblood that was developed in Switzerland around the end of the 19th century.
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