A rather new Russian breed, the Chara or Charysh horse is an Altai Productive and aimed primarily at meat production, however they are also popular as a utility and riding animal. The breed is named for the Chara river.
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This breed is an incredibly tough little animal, their mountainous habitat forces their calm nature & surefooted gaits.
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A hardy little horse that is resistant to harsh conditions, the Canadian Horse or French Canadian is considered a national treasure and has been an essential component in settling the territory.
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Also called South African Boerperd, and the Kaapse Boerperd, the Boer horse comes from the same stock as the Basuto pony. However the Boer is found in a much milder climate, allowing them to grow more robust.
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Also called Pottok and Pottoka, the Basque Ponies are left to live wild in the Pyrenees of the Basque Country in Spain and France. The last Wednesday of January they are rounded up, their numbers cut for market & the remaining animals are branded, then released again.
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The Baikal is a small horse from the region of Lake Baikal that borders with Mongolia. The Baikal is not a breed in itself, more of a type, used for all needs of the region. They have been a part of the area for as long as people can remember.
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A breed from the Northwest of Spain, the Asturcón (or Asturian pony) has a natural ambling gait by which they alternate moving both legs on one side. A smooth ride, they became popular as ladies mounts in England & France, they were later referred to as hobby horses.
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