Yanqi Horse


The Yanqi comes from several countries in the Xianjiang Autonomous Region of China and they were developed from Mongolian ponies brought to the area during the 13th century.


After the 18th century Don and Orlov Trotter blood was added to improve the breed.

2 Yanqi Types

Basin – lighter in confirmation
Mountin – a more robust animal


Average height 13 – 14 hands


Head is dry with a straight profile
Eyes are large and open
Neck is medium in length and straight
Chest is medium in width and depth
Back is long, straight and narrow
Legs are strong with well developed joints

Traditional Colors

chestnut, black, bay and brown are most common


Spirited and bold
Willing and kind


Riding horse
Farm work
Milk Production

Top image from Richard Towell under the CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license