A sport horse from Afghanistan, the Buzkashi is more of a type than a breed, a type specifically bred for the game of buzkashi from which it gets its name.
This horse type is thought to come from the Par River of Tajikistan and brought into Afghanistan after the revolution in 1919. However there are no official studbooks or centralized breeding programs in Afghanistan. While the country cherishes a long and distinguished equine culture, information about the animals is difficult to find. There are not specific breeds in the country, but more types that all fall under the broad category of Afghan horses. The Buzkashi further confuses the issue, because several types are used to play the game making this a particularly broad type.
The Game
Sort of a brutal practice, but an ancient one, buzkashi translates to ‘goat killing’ and is traditionally played with a headless goat carcass. Played with two teams, the object is to pick up a goat carcass from the ground and run it around a flagpole. It sounds simple, but it is properly chaotic. Requiring strong horsemanship skills, a well trained mount and sheer brute strength to triumph.
Understanding the game probably helps to understand the horse needed to play it. These are prized and extremely well trained animals used to play a game that has been played for centuries.
Average height 14-14.7 hands
Fine mane and tail hair
Head has a straight profile
Muscular neck
Slightly inclined hindquarters
Long, slender legs
Hard hooves
Traditional Colors
Generally chestnut, bay, brown or grey
High energy
Strong and robust
Mainly used for buzkashi
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