The Lehmkuhlener Pony originated Lehmkuhlen, Germany and was bred privately by the House of Baron Thunder stud farm and come from a cross between local Westphalian animals and a English Westmoorland blood.
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The Lehmkuhlener Pony originated Lehmkuhlen, Germany and was bred privately by the House of Baron Thunder stud farm and come from a cross between local Westphalian animals and a English Westmoorland blood.
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Also called the Croation Pasavac, Posavina Horse, Posavina and Busak Posavec, The Hrvatski Posavic comes from the flood plains of the Sava River in Croatia and their numbers are very low today.
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Also called Croatian Hladnokrvnjak, Hrvatski Hladnokrvnjak and Croatian Coldblood, the Hladnokrvnjak comes from the northwest and fairly common in Croatia.
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The Sorraia is thought to be the last remnant of wild horses that lived across most of the Iberian Peninsula, including parts of Spain and Portugal. Although we call them a breed today, they are actually what remains of an indigenous wild horse. Only recently, after the Portuguese National Stud took over registration of these animals, have they been promoted as a ‘breed’.
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The Sokolsky or Sokolski is a powerful coldblood draft breed that has been developed in the northeast of Poland for the last century.
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Also called Slovak or Slovensky Teplokrevnik, Slovakian Warmbloods are very similar to Czech Warmbloods. Like most sport breeds, they are bred and registered based on temperament, athletic ability and performance rather than specific bloodlines.
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The Skyros Pony comes from Greece and is the smallest of the Greek Pony breeds. Although they are small in stature, they display more miniature horse like characteristics rather than those typical of pony breeds.
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The Silesian or Slaski Horse was developed around the turn of the 19th century, named for Lower Silesia in Poland where they are bred.
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Descendant of the English Great Horse of the Middle Ages, the Shire horse is among the largest of the draft breeds.
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The Shagya Arabian comes from Hungary and was established during the Turkish occupation of Hungary that lasted until the end of the 17th century.
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