The Equinest archives

Florida Cracker Horse

My Florida Cracker Horse and my Florida Cur cowdog


Similar to the cattle with the same name, Florida Cracker Horses owe their genetics to Spanish stock brought to florida in the 16th century. The Spanish left livestock in the new world to make room for the loot they wanted to take home. Today the breed is also called Chicksaw Pony, Seminole Pony, Marsh Tackie, Prairie Pony, Florida Horse, Florida Cow Pony & Grass Gut.
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Finnish Warmblood Horse

Finnish Warmblood Horse


The Finnish Warmblood breeding association was founded in 1926 with the intention of breeding a warmblooded riding horse that could be used for both sport & military service. The goal was an elegant, modern horse with good balance, athletic movement & solid character.
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