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Asil – Rare Breed of the Week

Rare Horse Breed of the WeekThis week’s rare breed comes from Iran & they are a different kind of rare. The Asil horse is rare by design. Named for the region where they are bred in Khuzestan, the bloodlines of the Asil horse have traditionally been kept within local tribes & families.

Mysterious & Secretive

The actual origins of this horse seems to have several theories & it seems that many of the western interpretations of their history are lost in translation. However rock carvings depicting animals similar to this fine Arabian strain have been found in the area that date back 5,000 years. Read more

Arravani – Rare Horse Breed of the Week

Rare Horse Breed of the WeekThis Week’s rare breed comes from Greece & like many native Greek breeds it’s dangerously rare & close to extinction. The Arravani breed only has a couple hundred members.

A Melting Pot

A wide variety of different breeds helped to develop this breed over the last couple of millennia, from Thessalian animals to the mighty Arabian. Originally they were bred as workhorses, which provides them a robust, surefooted foundation. Later outside influence (especially the Arabian) lent them a refinement that can still be seen today. Read more

Ariègeois Pony – Rare Horse Breed of the Week

Rare Horse Breed of the WeekThis Monday’s rare breed is known as the Merens or the Ariègeois pony. They are a rare mountain pony native to the Pyrenees and Ariègeois mountains of Northern Spain & Southern France.

Tough & Ancient

Thought to be of prehistoric ancestory, these rugged mountain ponies were originally domesticated for use in mines & for hauling timber. Physically they are very similar to Dales pony & the Friesian horse which probably shared an ancestor with them. It is believed that during the Muslim invasion local stock was also enhanced by Arabian blood. Read more

Horse Image of the Week

Bay draft walking toward camera

Why We Like It

We’d like to admit that we like all horse breeds equally, but it’s just not true. We have a thing for the draft breeds. Whether it’s because the 20th century was so hard on them collectively or just because they are so darn big & cuddly we can’t say. This one is beautiful & a lovely example of a healthy bay coat.
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Arenberg-Nordkirchener Pony – Rare Horse Breed of the Week

Rare Horse Breed of the WeekThis week’s rare breed comes from Germany & sadly they are among the rarest equines on the planet. So rare, in fact that we can’t find any images or video of them to share with you. The Arenberg-Nordkirchener Pony is dangerously close to extinction & are listed as critically endangered with their numbers in the teens.

20th Century Breed

These animals are a fairly recent breed (during the 20th century) & originally come from wild horses of Munster, Westphalia crossed with Lithuanian broodmares. This was a semi-wild breeding program (similar to that of the Dulman pony). Read more

Horse Image of the Week

White horse head looking over fence

Why We Like It

We love images of horses that give them a vaguely human air. This one is no exception, with its windswept mane & bright eyes this handsome animal is as pretty as any supermodel. We can’t deny the lovely contrast of well manicured pastures & stark white fences in the background. It’s a well balanced image & it looks like paradise.
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Andravida – Rare Horse Breed of the Week

Rare Horse Breed of the WeekThe rare breed for this week comes from Greece & come from incredibly ancient bloodlines. This breed is also called the Eleia, Ilia, or Greek, the Andravida are a rare & mysterious light draft breed found in the region of Ilia, Greece.

Robust Yet Refined

The Andravida ancestors were cavalry horses used by the Athenians in the fourth century BC. Later, in the seventh century BC the Greek cavalry again used the Andravida for war. Originally bred as a light riding draft breed they were a cross of local breeds with Anglo-Norman animals. During the 13th to 15th centuries Arabian blood was used to refine stock, which created a lighter animal. Read more

Horse Image of the Week

Highland bull

Why We Like It

Yes, we know that’s not a horse up there, but we had to share it anyway. This is a Scottish breed of cattle called Highland Cattle & they are absolutely stunning. That coat is amazing & gives them such a cuddly look. We love this picture simply because it is stunning.
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American Cream Draft – Rare Breed of the Week

Rare Horse Breed of the WeekThe rare breed for this Monday comes from the US & that means it’s a relatively recent addition to the breeds of the world. The handsome American Cream Draft horse began in 1905 in a small town in Iowa. The foundation of the breed was an old mare named Old Granny.

American Native

The first draft breed native to the US, the American Cream Draft is an incredibly rare sight in the 21st century. The replacement of farm animals with heavy equipment caused a sharp decline in their numbers & the first native draft breed in the US actually faced extinction. In 1982 a revival attempt was made & luckily today the numbers still increase. Read more

Horse Image of the Week

Close up of bright blue horse eye

Why We Like It

This is another one of those images we have a special reason for liking. It’s not just a sweet looking horse laying down, this one has got an apron face which is rather rare face marking that is difficult to find images of. We were delighted to run across it as we are of any image of rare markings or colors.
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