Generative AI is a useful tool for a variety of purposes. Especially making images of pretty girls with horses, what’s not to like?
As a fun project we decided to see how AI generalizes people and horses from different countries around the world. There are a lot of countries, so we had to split it up regionally (we tried to get everyone). Today’s ladies and their horses come from Northern African countries. If you are interested, the prompts we used are under each image. It should also be noted that some of the images are affected by the Grok update (the style is quite different). Those made after the update can be identified by a watermark in the lower right corner.
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman with a horse in Algeria
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman riding a horse in Algeria
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman with a horse in Egypt
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman riding a horse in Egypt
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman with a horse in Libya
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman riding a horse in Libya
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman with a horse in Morocco
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman riding a horse in Morocco
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman with a horse in Sudan
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman riding a horse in Sudan
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman with a horse in Tunisia
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman riding a horse in Tunisia
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman with a horse in Western Sahara
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman riding a horse in Western Sahara
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman with a horse in Western Sudan
Prompt: Beautiful traditional woman riding a horse in Western Sudan
What do You Think?
How did the AI do? It’s understanding of culture is obviously generalized, especially in smaller countries and island nations. However, no one can deny that the women and horses are absolutely beautiful. it’s almost hard to believe they are just filled in pixels.