A rather new Russian breed, the Chara or Charysh horse is an Altai Productive and aimed primarily at meat production, however they are also popular as a utility and riding animal. The breed is named for the Chara river.
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Native to a climate that is incredibly harsh, (there are only about a 100 days a year above freezing temperatures in parts) the Buryat is a very tough little animal.
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Also called Budenny and Budyonovsky, the Budyonny is an incredibly adaptable and versatile animal bred to be an all-around saddle mount.
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Also called the Chernomor, the Black Sea Horse is very rare and only a small number of pure blood still exist.
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The Bityug (or Bitcuk in Turkey) was a handsome trotting breed that originated in Russia by order of Tsar Pierre Le Grand.
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Native to the unforgiving climate in the steppe regions south of the Ural Mountains, the Bashkir horse is by nature an incredibly tough animal. Enduring long cold winters & short hot summers.
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The Baikal is a small horse from the region of Lake Baikal that borders with Mongolia. The Baikal is not a breed in itself, more of a type, used for all needs of the region. They have been a part of the area for as long as people can remember.
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Also called Kalmykskaya & Kalmyk, the Astrakhan is a member of the Mongolian equine group, they are bred in the territory along the Volga & Ural rivers. Sadly, this breed is in danger of becoming extinct. They look similar to the Kirgiz horse, but tend to be coarser with longer legs.
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This breed is a type of Kabarda horse that is bred specifically in the Karachai republic. These animals tend to be of the most robust type of Kabarda & split off as their own breed during the 1960’s upon the introduction of Thoroughbred blood.
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The Anglo-Kabarda is a cross between Thoroughbred & Kabarda bloodlines. To be registered they must possess no less than 25% & no more than 75% Thoroughbred blood.
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