Also known as Dølehest, Ostlandhester, Døle Trotter and Norwegian Trotter, the Døle Gudbrandsdal is the most widespread breed in Norway today and one of the smallest cold blooded breeds.
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Also known as Dølehest, Ostlandhester, Døle Trotter and Norwegian Trotter, the Døle Gudbrandsdal is the most widespread breed in Norway today and one of the smallest cold blooded breeds.
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Also called Cesky Sportovni Pony, and Czech Riding Pony, the Czech Small Riding Horse was developed in the hopes of creating a smart, robust sport animal for youth. They wanted an equine that was small enough to be manageable and large enough to have decent jumping ability.
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The Cavallo del Catria or Catria Horse is a native breed from the mountains of Pesaro, Ancona and Perugia provinces in Italy. This breed is an incredibly tough animal, their mountainous habitat shaping their calm nature and surefooted gaits.
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Also called the Hucul, Huculska, Hutsul, Huzul, Gutsul, Guculs and Guzuls, the Carpathian pony is a traditional Carpathian breed which is often referred to as the ancient one and comes from a region of eastern Carpathians that is now Romania.
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Also called Marchador das Araucárias, the Campeiro originated from Spanish and Portugese stock that was introduced to Brazil by sea Captain Alveres Nunes during his journey from Santa Catarina to Paraguay.
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The strongest pony breed for their size, Shetlands can pull twice their own body weight. This is a breed found worldwide, but the British Shetland retains more of the original characteristics of the breed and are heavier than their American counterparts.
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Also called Schwarzwälder Kaltblut, St. Märgener, Schwarzwälder Fuchs and Wälderpferd, the Black Forest horse is a small, tough draft breed with a high fertility rate and a long life span. This hardy animal is bred almost exclusively in the Black Forest in southern Germany.
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Also called Bhutia Pony, Bhote Ghoda, Bhutan Pony, Bhutani, Bhutua Pony and Indian Country Bred pony, the Bhotia Pony is well suited to mountainous terrain that most other breeds could never navigate.
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The handsome Bardigiano is a pony breed from the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. Loved by the locals for their strength and endurance for wood and field work in difficult areas. During WWII Italian Bardigiano mares were used to produce mules to feed the war and in the process nearly decimated the pureblood of the breed.
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The Baixadeiro is a small horse inhabiting the heavy marshlands of Brazil and is presently the recipient of a conservation program. It is a race that is near extinction.
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