Catria Horse


The Cavallo del Catria or Catria Horse is a native breed from the mountains of Pesaro, Ancona and Perugia provinces in Italy. This breed is an incredibly tough animal, their mountainous habitat shaping their calm nature and surefooted gaits.


The original animals were used for charcoal production and at some point received some of the sturdy Maremmano blood. In more recent years there also been an influx of Frieberger genetics as well. Today the breed is very similar to the Appenninico Horse (the Italian version of the Frieberger breed).

In 1974 the Special Co-operative Agency of Catria took over management of the breeding of these animals, thus practicing strict control over the bloodlines. By 1980 a registry furthered the cause allowing for further improvements in stock. Today they are bred in semi-mountainous terrain encouraging their natural balance and agility. Their numbers are very low and their situation is critical. According to the DAD-IS they are endangered and as of 2023 there were 1312 left.


Average height 14.2 – 14.3 hands


Head is light and has straight profile
Chest is broad and deep
Back is short
Hindquarters are wide

Traditional Colors

Generally bay or brown


Sober and calm
Willing and hardworking


Riding horse
Sport horse
Meat production

Helpful Links

Azienda Speciale Consortile del Catria
