Also called Rhineland Heavy Draft and Rhenish Cold Blood, the German Cold Blood horse is less than a century old and their numbers are rapidly declining.
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Also called Rhineland Heavy Draft and Rhenish Cold Blood, the German Cold Blood horse is less than a century old and their numbers are rapidly declining.
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Also called Minho, Garrano do Minho, Trás os Montes, the Garrano is a prehistoric Portuguese pony which has adapted to the climate and geography in the northern mountain regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Cave paintings from the Paleolithic era describe a pony that is the ancestor of today’s breed.
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Also called Gallego, Faca Galizana, Jaca Gallega, Poney gallego, Poni Galaga and Cabalo de Pura Raza Galega, the Galician Pony comes from the northwest of Spain, which is a wet region with low mountains.
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The Furioso-North Star or Furioso is a medium-heavy harness and saddle type horse that is highly adaptable and crosses well with other breeds.
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Also called Norman Cob or Normandy Cob the French Cob comes from the Norman Carriage Horse that has been used in France for many years for pulling coaches and light agriculture work.
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Also called Ardennais, the Ardennes is bred in several European countries, all of their bloodlines are very similar and registries will accept animals bred in different countries. The French strain of Ardennes is significant however, because the Ardennes breed is native to the French and Belgian Ardennes so France recognizes it as a national breed.
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Also called Freiberger and Jura, the Freiberg horse is a light to middle sized warmblood that was developed in Switzerland around the end of the 19th century.
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The Frederiksborg Horse or Frederiksborgheste is the oldest pedigreed domestic animal breed in the world. They are the national danish horse abd a living piece of Danish history in large part due to the Royal Frederiksborg Stud Farm and their strict quality standards.
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Closely related to the nearby Timor pony, the Flores Pony comes from Flores Island. Smaller in stature than most of the Indonesian breeds, but just as strong and able.
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