Indian Country Bred Horse


The Indian Country Bred Horse comes from the Himalayan region of India and is a combination of the Bhutia, Spiti and Tibetan pony bloodlines. These animals have been cross bred for so many years that the distinction lines between each breed have blurred.

Although they are tough little ponies and able to handle high altitude, unstable footing and poor nutrition, they are not the most beautifully put together.


Average height 12 – 13.2 hands


Although this animal is a combination of three breeds, their characteristics have similar tendencies anyway.
Had is large, often with a pronounced jaw
Neck is short
Chest is deep
Shoulder is straight and upright
Legs are short and strong

Traditional Colors

chestnut | grey | dun | roan


Generally willing and quiet


Work animal
Pack animal
Riding pony

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Indian Country Bred Horse