The purebred is a Romanian part-bred Hutzel (Huzel) with infusion of draught horse blood & they are extremely rare.
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The most common draft horse found in France, the Breton comes from Brittany and is ideal for heavy farm and agriculture work.
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Along with the Hucul and the Konik ponies, the Bosnian Mountain Horse is one of the Balkan breeds and all three share the same ancestors.
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Also called South African Boerperd, and the Kaapse Boerperd, the Boer horse comes from the same stock as the Basuto pony. However the Boer is found in a much milder climate, allowing them to grow more robust.
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Also called the Chernomor and Chernomorskaya, the Black Sea Horse is very rare and extinct in pure form.
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Also called Bhutia Pony, Bhote Ghoda, Bhutan Pony, Bhutani, Bhutua Pony and Indian Country Bred pony, the Bhotia Pony is well suited to mountainous terrain that most other breeds could never navigate.
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Also known as the Belgian Heavy Horse, Brabançon or Brabant and Belgian Draught, the Belgian Draft is one of the strongest draft breeds. This breed has also held the world record for tallest and largest horses in the world.
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Originated in the Ardennes Mountains bordering Belgium and France but distinctly different from both the French or Swedish version of the breed.
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Also called the Banamba, The Beledougou is a variety of the West African Dongola (with Arabian influence) and was developed in Mali, Africa.
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Also called Pottok and Pottoka, the Basque Ponies are left to live wild in the Pyrenees of the Basque Country in Spain and France. The last Wednesday of January they are rounded up, their numbers cut for market & the remaining animals are branded, then released again.
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