The Tattu Pony is the smallest variety of pony found in Nepal and they can be found at higher altitudes than some of the other types.
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The Tattu Pony is the smallest variety of pony found in Nepal and they can be found at higher altitudes than some of the other types.
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Named for the Terai Region in southern Nepal where they are found, the Tarai Pony that differs from many of the mountain breeds found in the nation. The Tarai Pony is a small plains horse, smaller and slighter for flat terrain.
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Also called Tagan and Tanan, the Tanghan Horse is the largest of the types found in Nepal. Smaller in stature and could be called a pony, although they are still technically a small horse.
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A tough little pony, the Jumli or Chantey comes from the Jumla district in Nepal. Found in most of Nepal and also in Uttarakhand, India, these animals are frequently used as pack animals for Himalayan tourism.
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The Cyanta or Chyanta pony is native to Nepal and is very similar in physique and bloodlines to the Bhotia Pony and the Tattu Pony, (slightly smaller than the Bhotia and slightly larger than the Tattu).
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Also called Bhutia Pony, Bhote Ghoda, Bhutan Pony, Bhutani, Bhutua Pony and Indian Country Bred pony, the Bhotia Pony is well suited to mountainous terrain that most other breeds could never navigate.
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