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Barthais Pony


The Barthais was once classified as a heavy horse and their roots are thought to go back to France pre 7th Century AD (Arabian blood was added for the first time in 732 AD). However, over the years their bloodlines have become lighter and smaller to the present day animal, which is now classified as a pony.
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Bardigiano Horse


The handsome Bardigiano is a pony breed from the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. Loved by the locals for their strength and endurance for wood and field work in difficult areas. During WWII Italian Bardigiano mares were used to produce mules to feed the war and in the process nearly decimated the pureblood of the breed.
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Balearic Horse


This breed comes from the island of Majorca off the coast of southern Spain. Unfortunately, very few formal records have been kept on the Balearic breed. That combined with their isolation has kept their bloodlines pure & their numbers low.
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