Corsican Horse

Corsican Horse

Image from Img


The Corsican Horse comes from the French island of Corsica, the equine species is not native to the island and was probably brought around 259 BC when the Romans took control of the area.

Corsican Horse

Image from Img


Later these animals were the primary means of transportation for a variety of people and eventually for the French as they took control. Local people made a living from the use of horses and over the years added bloodlines and local climate gave rise to a breed particularly adapted to survive there.

Mid-18th century the army took control of breeding on Corsica island and Anglo-Arab blood was added to the mix. Once their need was fulfilled horse breeding returned to the local inhabitants.


Average height 13 – 13.3 hands


Head is heavy with a straight profile
Frame is compact & square
Hooves are narrow & hard

Traditional Colors

Predominately bay



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