The Trait Auxois or Auxois Horse is closely related to the Ardennes and has been bred specifically for their immense size since the start of the 20th century. They are one of the rarest of the (many) French draft breeds.
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The Austrian Warmblood comes from an area that has long been known for creating fine horseflesh (including the handsome Kladruber and the ethereal Lipizzaner). Like other warmbloods, the Austrian Warmblood was developed as a superior riding and competition horse.
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One of the lesser known heavy warmblood breeds, the Altwurttemberg is considered extremely endangered and is a rare sight outside (even inside of) its native country.
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The Aegidienberger is a relatively recent cross, one that utilizes elegant Peruvian Paso and the pure blood of hardy Icelandic horses. The aim was to create a larger gaited animal that is well suited to the colder climates of Germany.
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