The Latgale Trotter was a strain of Baltic trotter that came from a cross between Orlov and American trotters with local stock. This breed was absorbed into the Latvian breed.
Traditionally, horse breeding in Latvia was to develop three specific types of animals, a draft type, a heavier saddle and a light riding horse or trotter. In Latgale they were developed following even more specific goals, they loved fast horses. The landscape shaped this love, as it was not an agricultural area and horses were used more for transportation than anything else. Fast was good, so Latgale became the producer of fine trotters, appreciated throughout the country.
Early in the 20th century it was determined that a medium sized warmblood horse was needed, so a state stud was established in Latgale and by 1933 the breed was officially recognized. As mechanization grew, the need for trotters declined and by the 1980s their numbers had dwindled. The government decided to stop breeding them and absorbing them into the Latvian riding horse studbook.
According to the DAD-IS they are still considered a breed, but listed as critical and as of 2023 there were only 44 left.
Average height 15.1 – 17 hands
Head is clean
Neck is long, muscular and often high set
Back is long and flat
Chest is wide
Legs are well set
Traditional Colors
Solid colors
Highly energetic