The Sachsen Warmblood, Sachsen Anhaltiner or Sachsen-Anhaltiner Warmblut comes from eastern Germany and they are a rare warmblood breed.
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The Sachsen Warmblood, Sachsen Anhaltiner or Sachsen-Anhaltiner Warmblut comes from eastern Germany and they are a rare warmblood breed.
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The Romanian Saddle or Romanian Sport Horse was created to provide a riding horse that excelled in sporting, dressage and jumping.
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The West Black Sea Rahvan Horse (or Rahvan for short) comes from Turkey and has been bred there for at least 800 years. Rahvan is the Turkish word used to describe their quick, lateral walking gait.
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The Racking Horse is well known for their handsome demeanor, their calm disposition and their great strength & stamina.
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The Quarter Pony is essentially a smaller version of the Quarter Horse & stems from animals that didn’t meet the American Quarter Horse Association’s height requirement.
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The Petiso Pony or Petiso Argentino is a fairly new breed of pony from Argentina that comes from a cross between Shetland and Welsh ponies imported by farmers during the first half of the 20th century crossed with the Criollo. By 1982 a breed registry was created for these sturdy little animals.
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Predominately known for their unique, laterial gait, the Peruano de Paso, Costeño or Peruvian Paso is also a performer, one who can manage a high-stepping dancing action that almost makes its own music.
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Paso Fino translates to ‘fine step’ and they are very clearly a breed apart from others as their fine step cannot be taught, it has to come through their genetics. The Paso is in fact distinguished by their four-beat lateral gait.
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