Horseology Category

Horse Pictures From Andorra

Andorra FlagAndorra is located on the border of Spain and France in the Pyrenees Mountains. This gives them the luxury of access to some pretty amazing bloodlines and the Pyrenees produce hardy animals.

The horses in this area are clearly strong and able mountain horses used for both work and leisure. The jet black Ariegeois pony is native to the Pyrenees and small herds of fairly untouched bloodlines still exist in and around Andorra today.
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Horse Pictures From Belize

Belize FlagIt was difficult to find much information about horses in Belize.

There was some information about horse racing traditions established early in the 20th century. However, these traditions stem from the people who came to Belize rather than those who are native there.
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Horse Pictures From Albania

Albanian FlagThere are two horses indigenous to Albania, one a mountain horse and one from the plains. Although unregulated mixing of the blood has blurred the lines of distinction. These animals are thought to be of Tarpan Turkmene and Mongolian horse blood.

In the 1980’s there were measures taken to improve the horse stock and intensive breeding programs were established. Local animals were crossed with Arabians, Nonius and Haflingers to produce more robust animals for agriculture work.
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Horse Pictures From Afghanistan

Afghanistan FlagHorses are still very much used as work animals in Afghanistan, predominately for transportation. Because they are so widely used and adaptable they are a source of pride to their owners.

Many of these images show as much about life in Afghan culture as they do about horsemanship. Most of the images show fat, healthy looking horses who are clearly a source of pride (as well as labor) to their owners.
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Horse Pictures From Estonia

Estonia FlagThere is an Estonian native breed one that retains many physical characteristics of the native northern horse. This particular breed has had little influence through the blood of other breeds.

This animal is also known for their kind disposition and robust frame – a stark contrast from the high strung light breeds of their neighboring Russia like the Akhal-Teke.
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Horse Pictures From Mongolia

Mongolian FlagThe horse is and has always been an integral part of the Mongolian lifestyle and the children are said to be born on horseback.

Equines are used for transportation, as pack animals, for milk, for food and for entertainment. Horses play a huge part in shaping their culture and are valued and respected.

The Mongolian horse is said to be very similar in form and function to the animals that carried Genghis Khan.
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Horse Pictures From Russia

Russian FlagHome to an amazing diversity of climates, Russian horses have to be some tough animals.

There are many breeds native to Russian soil, but perhaps the most well known is the spirited Akhal-Teke. This animal is known for its tremendous stamina and it’s hardy nature which enables it to survive extreme conditions.

Other breeds native to Russia include the Don, the Orlov Trotter and the Russian Heavy Draft; all of them suited to their specific landscape.
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Horse Pictures From Paraguay

As in many South American countries horses are used as work animals in a variety of forms. From stock animals, to transportation to the tourist industry.

The national horse of Paraguay is the criollo which is known for it’s tremendous endurance capabilities. The strong points of the breed makes them particularly useful as ranch animals and for transportation.

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