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Ke-Er-Qin Horse


The Ke-Er-Quin, Kerqin or Horqin breed comes from the Keerqin steppe in inner Mongolia which is a largely agricultural area. Part of this Mongolian plateau is known as the horse center of the country due to it’s abundant grasslands.
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Hungarian Draft Horse


There is not a coldblooded horse native to Hungary, however during the 18th century draft animals were brought through. These larger and more robust animals were particularly valuable to people in a land filled with lighter animals and were often traded for. These animals became known as the Hungarian Coldblood, Magyar Hidegveru and Hungarian Draft.
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Hanoverian Horse


Known worldwide for the symbolic “H” branded into their hindquarters, the Hanoverian is one of the most well-loved and wide-spread of the European warmbloods. These horses have made a name for themselves in the Grand Prix competitions.
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