Also called Bama Myinn and Shan pony, the Burmese pony isn’t a particularly refined breed. However their adaptability and ability to function on difficult terrain makes them well liked in the mountainous regions.
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Also called Bama Myinn and Shan pony, the Burmese pony isn’t a particularly refined breed. However their adaptability and ability to function on difficult terrain makes them well liked in the mountainous regions.
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Also called Budenny and Budyonovsky, the Budyonny is an incredibly adaptable and versatile animal bred to be an all-around saddle mount.
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Along with the Hucul and the Konik ponies, the Bosnian Mountain Horse is one of the Balkan breeds and all three share the same ancestors.
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Also called the Chernomor and Chernomorskaya, the Black Sea Horse is very rare and extinct in pure form.
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Also known as the Belgian Heavy Horse, Brabançon or Brabant and Belgian Draught, the Belgian Draft is one of the strongest draft breeds. This breed has also held the world record for tallest and largest horses in the world.
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Also called Basque Ponies, Poney Vasco and Pottoka, Pottoks are left to live wild in the Pyrenees of the Basque Country in Spain and France. The last Wednesday of January they are rounded up, their numbers cut for market and the remaining animals are branded, then released again.
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The Barthais was once classified as a heavy horse and their roots are thought to go back to France pre 7th Century AD (Arabian blood was added for the first time in 732 AD). However, over the years their bloodlines have become lighter and smaller to the present day animal, which is now classified as a pony.
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The handsome Bardigiano is a pony breed from the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. Loved by the locals for their strength and endurance for wood and field work in difficult areas. During WWII Italian Bardigiano mares were used to produce mules to feed the war and in the process nearly decimated the pureblood of the breed.
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The Bakhtiari is a variant of the Plateau Persian horse of Iran, sharing basic conformation & heritage. They are mainly bred by the Bakhtiari tribesmen of Khuzestan Province in the south of Iran.
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