A rather new Russian breed, the Tchara, Chara or Charysh horse is an Altai type and aimed primarily at meat production. However they are also popular as a utility and riding animal. The breed is named for the Chara river.
Development began in the 1920’s with the goal of improving local animals by adding saddle, trotter & draft blood. The result is a larger animal that is kept in year-round natural pastures specifically for meat production. The idea was to also improve the local Siberian stock of riding animals.
The work of breeding these animals has been primarily concentrated in six farms in the Chara region of the Altai District. In terms of physique, draft crosses are considered most valuable because they were better able to hold their weight during desolate winter months.
There are three different types which fall under this breed and all of them are considered rare.
Desired – Those displaying the best adaptive qualities and comprises the largest numbers
Universal – A great deal of trotter blood makes them too slender, they are usually mated to pure drafts or desired types.
Aboriginal – Contain a high percentage of local blood and are bred to draft crosses or large trotters for height.
Average height 14.3 – 15.2 hands
Traditional Colors
black | chestnut | bay | brown | grey
Meat Production
Harness Horse
Saddle Horse