There is something sublime about a pure black horse. Perhaps because they are not as common as bays or chestnuts, or maybe horses just look really sharp in black. Whatever the reason, we heart black horses.
Updated Colors
We’ve been giving our colors section a major overhaul, to make the information more accurate and provide better images. Equine color genetics are incredibly complex and some of it still remains a mystery, even for geneticists. We think that is part of the fun.
Beautiful Black
In equines the agouti gene controls distribution of black pigment and determines whether an animal will be black, bay or brown. It is the recessive agouti allele that causes pure black animals. A true black horse will have no red hairs anywhere on their body, although they may have white markings on the face or legs.
The Range
There is not a large range of black shades, however there are different ‘types’ of black horses. This difference is largely environmental, as black horses absorb heat from the sun they are more often found in northern breeds. Exposure to sun or sweat can affect some black coats and others show an extreme seasonal difference in color. The genetic reason some black coats fade is unknown and the categories below are just a way to generally show characteristics.

Non-Fading Black
Can be born lighter, but will eventually display a raven black coat for the rest of their life. Seasons and exposure to sun or sweat doesn’t affect their color.

Fading Black or Barn Black
Can be born lighter and will eventually become black. However, exposure to sun and sweat can cause coats to fade, especially in summer or hotter climates.

Seasonal Black
Can be born lighter and will eventually become black. However their coats fade seasonally, sometimes to almost bay in color, then shed back to black.
Black Breeds
Aside from dilutions or modifiers, black coats don’t have a lot of diversity and is perhaps the least exciting colorwise. However they are rarer than the other base colors and generally more difficult to breed for. Black coloring can be found in a large percentage of breeds, but some are specifically known for and recognized by their shiny black coat.
Colorful World
The world of horse colors is truly a spectacular one and we will continue to share updated color (and breed) pages, with all of their spectacular images.