The Sandan or Shandan horse comes specifically from the Sandan Farm which is at the foot of the Qilian Shan mountain range in China.
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The Sandan or Shandan horse comes specifically from the Sandan Farm which is at the foot of the Qilian Shan mountain range in China.
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Also called Equus Przewalskii, Asiatic Wild horse, Mongolian Wild Horse and Taki, the Przewalski’s Horse is the only known surviving species of wild equine on the planet (since the extinction of the Tarpan). All other breeds of modern horse are thought to come from domesticated horse (yes, even the feral ones – at some point they were all reintroduced to the wild).
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The Lijiang or Pony is a relatively new breed that is bred specifically in the Lijiang District of China. This area is at high altitude and the climate varies widely and native animals were not large enough to suit agricultural purposes.
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The Lichuan horse comes from the mountainous areas of Lichuan County in southwestern Hubei Province in China. The people of this area have ancient ties with horsemanship and horse production.
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The Ke-Er-Quin, Kerqin or Horqin breed comes from the Keerqin steppe in inner Mongolia which is a largely agricultural area. Part of this Mongolian plateau is known as the horse center of the country due to it’s abundant grasslands.
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The Jinzhou was developed in Jin Country, which is in the southern region of Liaoning peninsula of China.
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The Jinhong or Jinjiang Horse is a native, indigenous breed from the coastal province of Fujian, in the southeast of China. They were raised mostly in isolation making them a relatively pure breed today.
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The Jielin, Jilin or Kirin Horse comes from the Baicheng, Changchun and Sipling Districts of China which is an agricultural area that is very suitable for horse breeding.
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Also called Hequl, Nanfanhe and Khetsyui, the Hequ breed comes from the area where the Quinghai, Sichuan and Gansu Provinces meet. At which point there is a large zag in the Yellow River. The name Hequ has only been used for this breed since 1954 and prior to that was called the Nanfan horse.
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The Heilongkiang or Heilongjiang breed originated on the Song-liao plain in the northern Heilongkiang province of China. This area is quite proud of their horses and several state farms were responsible for much of the breed’s development.
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