Also called Bengali, the Bangladesh Native Horse is a small breed of horse native to the country. They are loosely related to a group of Southeast Asian ponies.
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Also called Bengali, the Bangladesh Native Horse is a small breed of horse native to the country. They are loosely related to a group of Southeast Asian ponies.
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Easy to identify because of their turned in ears (similar to those of the Marwari horse), the Baluchi or Baloch horse is native to the Baluchistan and Derajat regions of Pakistan.
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This is the smallest of the donkey breeds and they are known for their incredible strength and willing attitude.
The American Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys originated in southern Europe on the small islands of Sardinia and Sicily. In the 18th century they were primarily used indoors for grinding grain and as pack animals for mountain shepherds. The breed was introduced to the US in 1929 when the first imports were received by Robert Green on his stud farm in New Jersey.
“Miniature Donkeys possess the affectionate nature of a Newfoundland, the resignation of a cow, the durability of a mule, the courage of a tiger, and the intellectual capability only slightly inferior to man’s.” – Robert Green
Today these tiny animals are almost extinct in their native lands, luckily they have become popular pets in the states, where their numbers continue to grow.
Under 36″ high
Compact and well proportioned
Grey dun w/chocolate highlights is most commonly found
black | sorrel | pinto | creme
Kind and easy going
Affectionate and intelligent
Mainly pets and show animals
*All links open in a new window
National Miniature Donkey Association
It should be noted that albinism is fatal in equines, a pure albino is a result of lethal white genes from both parents and will rarely live past birth. American Albino (also called American Cream and White) horses are white, but not technically albino genetically.
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