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Equestrian Accessories – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s getting really close to the big day, so we are sharing gift ideas every day until time runs out. So far we’ve shared ideas for everything from shoes to lipstick. Today we are sticking with apparel again, but moving in a different direction, today it’s all about accesorizing!

It’s the Bits That Count

It my go without saying that often an accessory or two is all of the horse most people can stomach when it comes to fashion. Good thing there are so many cute equine accessories out there to choose from. 😉 We’ve gone & collected everything horse we can find – and it’s not too late to do your shopping. Great stocking stuffers, great gifts or just looks great on you!
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Going Casual Equine Clothing – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s getting really close to the big day, so we are sharing equine gift ideas every day until time runs out. So far we’ve shared ideas for everything from shoes to lipstick. Today we are sticking with apparel again, we just can’t resist all of these beautiful horse inspired clothes!

Casual Horse

We’ve already shared some of the horse tees we like best & were pleasantly surprised to find a whole lot more equine casual wear. Although we like the fancy stuff too, horse people are laid back by nature & appreciate a horsey good take on casual clothing. Many of these items are perfect for actually riding & that’s why we love them.
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Going Fancy Equine Clothing – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s starting to get close to the big day so we are sharing horsey gift ideas every day. We’ve shared ideas for everything from shoes to lipstick to Ornaments. Today we are re-visiting apparel, one of those dangerous areas to add a little horse – but we love to live on the edge!

High End Horse Style

We’ve already shared some fav tops, tees & dresses – believe it or not we found more, loads more to share. So here goes, we’ve done the shopping for you so all you have to do is point & click. Today’s list is full of fun & fabulous ideas for when you feel like dressing it up a little.
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Equine Breed Playmobile Playsets – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s starting to get close to the big day & we are still sharing all kinds of horsey gift ideas, from shoes to lipstick to Ornaments. Last time we shared some cool sets that include both horse & doll – so today we wanted to continue in that vein & share some more.

Good Old Playmobile

Regardless of how old you are, you’ve probably had an experience with Playmobile at some point in your childhood. They are colorful & fun, the characters are always smiling & they appear to absolutely adore horses. The sets below celebrate a variety of (well, mostly German) horse breeds, from the refined Arabian to the handsome spotted Knabstrupper.
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Fabulous Equine Doll Sets – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s starting to get close to the big day & we are still sharing all kinds of horsey gift ideas, from shoes to lipstick to Ornaments. Today we’ve got some more stuff for the kids, we think they will love some of these fab horse & doll sets!

Dolls Enjoy Riding Too

All of our dolls have always been equestrians & we’re willing to be that most horse lovers feel the same. Who wants a doll that doesn’t love horses? Many of you will remember Brenda Breyer (ahem, she’s a collectable now) & we loved her. So we did some searching to find some other cool horse & rider duos suitable for modern kids.
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Cards & Stationary – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s December again & we’re sharing all kinds of horsey gift ideas, from shoes to lipstick to ornaments. Today we want to re-visit a favorite category & share some more beautiful equine stationary & card set ideas.

The Old Fashioned Way

We are avid computer people & spend a lot of time on them, but there is something about correspondence the old fashioned way. Everyone loves to get mail, especially when it isn’t in the form of junk or bills – we encourage everyone to send a letter every once in a while – just because. Here is a selection of cards & stationary ideas for equine lovers of all ages.
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A Little Cat – Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s December again & we’re sharing all kinds of horsey gift ideas, from shoes to lipstick. However today we wanted to go in an entirely different direction, today we’ve got a little kitty to share.


While we are horse lovers at heart, that doesn’t limit us to just horses. We’ve never been to a barn or stable that didn’t have at least one cat running around, so it’s fair to say that horse lovers often appreciate those of the feline persuasion as well. Here we’ve found some fantastic kitty theme gift ideas that we just had to share with our horse lovers.
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Social Media – Horse Jobs

Man standing next to horses with his back to the camera

Similar in nature to a horse web designer, working as a social media administrator doesn’t allow much time with horses, but it does allow a high level of flexibility and independence. For most, this works better as a part-time endeavor as it can be seasonal in nature.

Social media requires a sparkling wit, a solid understanding of your niche or discipline within the industry and extreme dedication to a cause.

What You Need

These days businesses are sorely behind the times if they don’t have strong social media profiles. Interaction online has become commonplace to enough of the world that global access is growing exponentially in importance. Social media mavens have an understanding of online trends and the ability to utilize them in a manner which achieves measurable results.
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Rocking Horses – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s December again & we’re sharing all kinds of horsey gift ideas, from shoes to lipstick. Today we are going back in time to one of the original types of horse toys (some with a modern twist), rocking horses.

Rock ‘N Roll

While they are a traditional horse toy, the rocking horse has worn many faces. There are literally hundreds of variations on the original theme. We love the original wooden rockers, even with all the squeaks & upkeep, but some of the models below are pretty cool. Whether you prefer traditional or a more modern take on the original we have a bunch of great options to choose from.
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The Horse Show with Rick Lamb Episode 381 – Landsmot Horse Festival

Click to see VideoRecently we’ve been posting episodes of The Horse Show with Rick Lamb & are delighted to share such a huge selection of unique horse topics with our readers. We won’t post every episode, but will share the ones we found the most interesting & fun.

Landsmot Horse Festival

The Landsmot Horse Festival takes place during the height of summer in Iceland. The event celebrates a part of the Icelandic culture & is the largest equine event in the country. Horses have always been prized as a reliable form of transport in Iceland & their breed is one of the purest on the planet. In this episode Rick explores this fun & festive event.
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